Friday, September 26, 2008

Picture Day!!

Last Week Danyale and I took all 5 kids (Korty, Logan, Sadie, Aubrey, and Jacob) and got there pictures-- All I can Say is TONS OF FUN! But look it was all worth it!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Boys will be boys

Today Carter got to come and play @ our house while Sadie was at pre-school. The boys had lots of fun playing in a tent, riding bikes, and playing with toy swords. It was almost time for Cater to go home when Brad called and asked me to bring the boys up to Bishop Butlers house where he was baling hay. He wouldn't tell me exactly why, he just said the boys would love it. When we got there and saw the SNAKE stuck in the bale of hay- the boys were SO EXCITED!! Korty wanted it out, so Brad pulled out what he could. I bet it was 3-4 feet long. I hate snakes DEAD or ALIVE. But this was not for me. This was all about these little boys and the fun experience to play with a dead snake. ( This is one experience they will talk about for years!)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

We LOVE Cows!

Well this is more for my children so they will remember. You see this last January, we (Brad) bought 40+ Pregnant Cows. As each one was born my children and I had alot of fun naming them, expecially Korty. So still to this day most all the calfs have there name and are called by that name.. It is quite amazing to me how Brad and Korty keep track. So here is the list of the calfs with the B-day if I had it.
1. Chuck (Chuck Roast)
2. Nemo
3. Moon
4. Sun
5. Nick 2/28
6. Snow Ball Fight 3/2
7. Star 3/4
8. Hot diggity dog 3/5
9. Bennett 3/5
10. Jasmine 3/6
11. Meat loaf "
12. Casper and MOM - RIP
13. Midnight 3/11
14. Spike "
15. Batman 3/12
16. Spiderman "
17. Micheal the Angel -RIP
18. Superman 3/14
19. Cloud "
20. Dandy Lion 3/15
21. Patrick 3/17
22.Lucky "
23. Shadow 3/19
24,25,26 (no names-the kids and I were at Grandma B's, OOPS!)
27. Freckles 3/22
28. Pumba 3/25
29. Piglet 3/17
31.Rock Star 3/19
32. Clifford 4/2
33.White Bumm 4/5
34. Chocolate chip 4/7
35. Elder Black 4/10
36. OREO Shake "
*** Bought 16 more Cow with there calfs NO NAMES 4/15
37. Salt and Pepper
38. Skunk 4/24
39. Blacky
40. Diamond Jim 5/9
41. Marshmellow 5/12
42. Cleopatra 5/14
43. TWINS - Donnie and Marie 5/16

Well as you can now see we LOVE cows.
The big question is which one do we eat?

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


This is JACOB MAX- He is growing up so fast!! On August 30th he turned one!! I am a little sad about this, I no longer have a baby! When I start to get baby hungry I think about what a hard year we have had. Jacob cried evey time we got in the car. It took us 8 hrs. to drive fromSt George to Castle Dale(which should only take 4, tops!) The only was I could get him down for a nap was nursing him, or placing a blow dryer under his bouncey chair. Need to say, Santa brought him a new Blow Dryer because moms blew up. I could go on and on, but Jacob is definately my hardest baby. Danyale says I deserve him because of how easy Korty, and Sadie were. I am a true believer they come with a personality and a mind of there own. And boy does he have a mind of his own.

But no matter how hard of a baby he has been I am so glad he is mine. He has a Smile that can light up any room. He won a baby contest For the best Giggle, Fastest Walker and the Baldest. He loves cows and thinks that all animals say MOO! He loves giving mmmmas which are kisses (mainly to Sadie). And he wants to do everything Korty does. He loves his momma the most but calls her DA. This has been a long year that has went by way to fast. He may be my birth control- But looking back I wouldn't trade it for the world. Happy Birthday Son!!

Monday, September 1, 2008

A Sunday at The Farm

This is us every sunday afternoon. Most people stay home or go visit the elderly. Not us we come home from chuch race to change our clothes and get back in the van as quickly as possible so we can go visit the COWS! I can not explain why we like it so much but we do. all of us! Jacobs first and only animal sound is MOO! I have always teased Brad that he has cow poop running through is veins- well I think the children inherrited it. But there is one thing for sure and that is it brings our family together!!

Mutton Bustin'

This June Brad got the great idea to let Korty go MUTTON BUSTIN'. I cannot believe he talked Korty and I into it. But he did. As I watched my little boy from the side line, I had a rush of terror and pure joy come over me. I bet he was only one the mutton for 1-2 seconds but for a mom it was eternity. But my little cow boy jumped right up and as proud as could be went running over to his dad. He only scored a 59 (which is not very high), but we didn't care and either did he. NOTICE: in the picture he is showing off where the sheep stepped on his head!! He wouldn't let us wash it off for 2 days. Now tell me why we signed him up again 2 weeks later? Just Look At The Smile On His Face!!