We use a lot of electric fence with our cows at the farm. Most of the time we have just one wire attached to blue plastic posts every so often to keep the cows where we want them. This fall we used this electric fence to separate our cows from their calves and wean them. Korty has been pretty involved with the cows and he helped wean the calves this fall.... Now for the story...
This is kinda funny. Last week I took Jacob to Dr. Nate my kids dentist. After a check up we found that he had cavities from me still nursing. So that night we were all in the living room and Brad and I were talking about weaning him and how to do it. Then Korty looked around the room and said,"Dad there is enough room in here, I just don't know how to poke the Blue Posts down into the carpet." The mind of our farming son- thanks for the laugh Korty.
9 years ago
So freaking cute! I didn't know you guys had a blog. Now I can always check in. It was good to see you guys at the party.
Kori, just wanted to say Hi!! looks like you are all doing great, your kids are so funny. I'm glad that there are other mothers out there whose lives are just as crazy as mine. Cute family pic. Merry Christmas to you all. Love ya, Brydi
I need a farm boy! What a cute boy. Merry Christmas. love buck
If you ever need a simple solution, just ask a kid. That is hilarious!! Thanks for the laugh.
That is a great story that my little family can relate to!! I love it!! Kids say the funniest things! Your kids are so cute...Love to look at your blog!!
Kristen Hinkins
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