Sunday, February 15, 2009


This week we recieved alot of snow. Korty gets so excited when it snows because he get to help shovel the sidewalks with the snow shovel Santa brought. So friday when Brad got home from the farm, the boys went out and shoveled the snow. When they were done Brad came in and left Korty outside to play. After a while Brad went out to check on him and he found all the snow back on the side walks. This made him mad,he knew who did it so he hollered at Korty and asked what happened? Korty just looked up at him and as confident as can be he said, "Dad, I just wanted to tease you that it snowed again." Needless to say Brad couldn't stay mad, instead they shoveled it off again!!


therobertsonfam said...

Oh my heck that is so funny! There are just somethings you cant get mad about with being a parent !

Shanae Butler said...

Too funny. I am going to try that one on Jared. Will he think I am funny?

Elise said...

How funny dont you just love kids. Shanae I am pretty sure Jared wont laugh...

Elise said...

Kori hope that you have a happy birthday i think of you every year you are an easy one to remember since Aniston's b-days are the same day. Any HAPPY HAPPY Birthday...

Michelle said...

Hey my friend I hope you had an awesome birthday!!