Sunday, December 21, 2008
The Way Korty Thinks!!
This is kinda funny. Last week I took Jacob to Dr. Nate my kids dentist. After a check up we found that he had cavities from me still nursing. So that night we were all in the living room and Brad and I were talking about weaning him and how to do it. Then Korty looked around the room and said,"Dad there is enough room in here, I just don't know how to poke the Blue Posts down into the carpet." The mind of our farming son- thanks for the laugh Korty.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Merry Christmas!!
BRAD has been really busy this year irrigating, making hay, chasing cows and working for Harward Irrigation. As you might guess, he doesn't get home 'til late but we are always happy to see him, even if he is covered in hay or even worse - cow poop.
KORI is always running somewhere. She's either taking kids to pre-school, t-ball games, gymnastics or driving back and forth to the farm. She always seems to find time for the occasional trip to SLC to do a little shopping. No matter where she goes though, she always likes having her kids with her.
KORTY just turned five. He loves herding cows, riding his 4-wheeler, herding cows on his 4-wheeler, and talking about herding cows on his 4-wheeler. He has also learned that he does not like building fence or baling hay (in his words BOARING!) He loves teasing his sister and helping his little brother.
SADIE is now 3 years old. She loves playing house, dressing-up like a princess, playing kitchen, shopping with mom and watching her favorite movie Old Yeller. We also learned that she loves cutting with scissors. She loves to cut everything - paper, strings, socks, heck she even cut her hair!!
JACOB is 15 months old. He just recently had surgery to get ear tubes and to have a Dermoid Cyst removed from above his left eye. It hasn't slowed him down though. He loves going to the farm, mainly to see the cows (of course). This little boy could also play with a ball all day long! He loves giving Sadie hugs and kisses, and tries to keep up with Korty.
Happy Holidays and Best Wishes
The Bundersons,
Brad, Kori, Korty, Sadie and Jacob
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Build a Bear
For Korty's Birthday Grandma B took him to Build a Bear Work Shop. This is where grandma took the kids the day of Jacobs Surgery. Korty and Grandma have been planning this date for about 2 months now. I guess when they got there it didn't take Korty very long to decide what he wanted. And it didn't take Sadie very long to convience Grandma that she didn't get anything for her birthday! Needless to say both of my kids walked out of there with an awesome new friend. Korty has a cheeta nemed JAG. Sadie had a Black Lab named Rissa.
Jacob's Surgery
Saturday, November 15, 2008
After Math!!
Well it's been a couple of days since the hair incident. NO, I did not take her to a barber, although I wanted to. I trimmed it up myself (heck, I couldn't hurt it!) Then I had to go and buy ALOT of clips. So this is Sadie clipping back all of the little pieces. It is not funny! I really think we have both learned alot from this. 1. Don't leave scissors in drawers that your 3 year old can reach. 2. There is NO such thing as a Hair Fairy!! And 3. It is just hair, it will grow back and she is still the prettiest little thing I have ever seen!!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Well this is what happened. Korty was in time out because he would rather sit in time out than help pick up. Sadie and Jacob just had a bath and I was trying to figure out the computer. When Sadie walked into the room and smiled a her "I should be in trouble smile". I didn't think to much about it. I kept working on the computer, when Korty came running in saying Sadie cut off her hair. He was carring a lock of Sadie's hair about 3 inches long. I got sick. I know it is only hair and I'm sure most little girls have done this but I was physically ill. I hollared her name and she came just like nothing had happened. Her hair was still pretty wet so I couldn't really see much damage. It was only until I saw the garbage can full, and combed through her hair that I realized she had done a pretty great job! Well, I grabbed her and spanked her butt and I told her I was taking her to the barber, Paul, to have him shave off her hair. And about then I started crying! So she started crying. Then we sat there and cried together hugging. It was a mess. Pretty soon we both stopped and we talked about hair will grow back - I just hope It won't take very long:)
Well it is 7:34pm and Sadie is already asleep about 2 hours earlier than norm.
~I bet she wishing there was such thing as a HAIR FAIRY,
She would be raking it in!
Monday, November 3, 2008
HaPpY HaLLoWeEn!!
Halloween was fun! Brad was late coming home form work (of course). So I took the kids to the Trunk or Treat by myself. This is the way to do it, we got there and 45 min. later the bags were full and the kids were happy.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Brother and Sister
Well here are the kids at the farm again. We were all out branding "Cranpa's" new heffers. The kids had been playing over on these steps. It was making me nervous- but I just let them go. I had to go to the van to change Jacobs diaper so I told them to sit down until I got back... Well this is what they were doing when I came back. Korty was holding Sadie hand and explaining to her what Dad and Cranpa were doing. Sadie just sat there listening to every word. I waited inpatiently until he was done and then I took the picture. At times like this I wish I had a big brother. I hope he will always take care of her!! :)
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Super Saturday
Today was a fun day. Brad got rained out so I talked him into going to SLC with me and the kids. I wanted to take the kids to the Myan and maybe to a movie. Brad changed the plan-- He wanted to go to RUBY TUESDAY (since they have better food). The kids loved it. Sadie is a little girl after her daddies heart. She ate more steak than I did. Korty was just happy to try a little of everything.
Friday, October 10, 2008
I'm new @ this
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Halloween Pictures
Korty - Pirate
Sadie - Snow White
Jacob - Pumpkin
Logan - Luke Skywalker
Aubrey - Butterfly
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
It's All bout Me!
ABC about me
This is all Danyales fault-- I hope she is happy!!
ABC's "getting to know you" TAG ABC's of you. Each player then tags 3 people and posts their names, then go to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.
A- Attached or single: Attached and most the time loving it.
B- Best Friend: My mom and sister--- Yes mom Danyale.
C-Cake or Pie: cake, cake, cake, and more cake
D-Day: Sunday, after church we go to the farm and watch the cows-- try it before you knock it. Brad doesn't work
E- Essential Item: My kids!
F- Favorite Color: Blue, Danyale insisted that she owned pink- so I went for blue.
G-Gummi Bears or Worms: neither- chocolate
H-Home town: Huntington, Utah
I- Indulgences: cook books, beed time stories with all three kids in bed with me.
J- January or July?: July, bring on the fireworks
K-Kids: Three-- Korty,4 3/4 Sadie, 3 and Jacob, 1 I love being a mom!!
L-Life is incomplete without: Family, Friends and Cows
M- Marriage Date: Febuary 15, 2003- I've been pregant or nursing ever since!!
N- Number of Siblings: 1 sister and 1 brother, I have middle child syndrome (or so I am told)
O- Oranges or Apples: What ever I have
P- Phobias or Fears: loosing my family or friends
Q- Quote: I never said it would be easy I only said it would be worth it!
R- Reason To Smile: Korty, Sadie and Jacob
S- Season: Fall and Spring HATE winter and snow
T- Tag Three: Amber S, Kara, Allison
U- Unknown fact about me: I was home coming queen!
V- Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animal: We raise cows!
W- Worst Habit: Yelling and nagging
X-Rays or Ultrasounds: either don't care
Y-Your favorite food: Mexican or Italian
Z: Zodiac Sign: Pices
Friday, September 26, 2008
Picture Day!!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Boys will be boys
Today Carter got to come and play @ our house while Sadie was at pre-school. The boys had lots of fun playing in a tent, riding bikes, and playing with toy swords. It was almost time for Cater to go home when Brad called and asked me to bring the boys up to Bishop Butlers house where he was baling hay. He wouldn't tell me exactly why, he just said the boys would love it. When we got there and saw the SNAKE stuck in the bale of hay- the boys were SO EXCITED!! Korty wanted it out, so Brad pulled out what he could. I bet it was 3-4 feet long. I hate snakes DEAD or ALIVE. But this was not for me. This was all about these little boys and the fun experience to play with a dead snake. ( This is one experience they will talk about for years!)
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
We LOVE Cows!
1. Chuck (Chuck Roast)
2. Nemo
3. Moon
4. Sun
5. Nick 2/28
6. Snow Ball Fight 3/2
7. Star 3/4
8. Hot diggity dog 3/5
9. Bennett 3/5
10. Jasmine 3/6
11. Meat loaf "
12. Casper and MOM - RIP
13. Midnight 3/11
14. Spike "
15. Batman 3/12
16. Spiderman "
17. Micheal the Angel -RIP
18. Superman 3/14
19. Cloud "
20. Dandy Lion 3/15
21. Patrick 3/17
22.Lucky "
23. Shadow 3/19
24,25,26 (no names-the kids and I were at Grandma B's, OOPS!)
27. Freckles 3/22
28. Pumba 3/25
29. Piglet 3/17
31.Rock Star 3/19
32. Clifford 4/2
33.White Bumm 4/5
34. Chocolate chip 4/7
35. Elder Black 4/10
36. OREO Shake "
*** Bought 16 more Cow with there calfs NO NAMES 4/15
37. Salt and Pepper
38. Skunk 4/24
39. Blacky
40. Diamond Jim 5/9
41. Marshmellow 5/12
42. Cleopatra 5/14
43. TWINS - Donnie and Marie 5/16
Well as you can now see we LOVE cows.
The big question is which one do we eat?
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
This is JACOB MAX- He is growing up so fast!! On August 30th he turned one!! I am a little sad about this, I no longer have a baby! When I start to get baby hungry I think about what a hard year we have had. Jacob cried evey time we got in the car. It took us 8 hrs. to drive fromSt George to Castle Dale(which should only take 4, tops!) The only was I could get him down for a nap was nursing him, or placing a blow dryer under his bouncey chair. Need to say, Santa brought him a new Blow Dryer because moms blew up. I could go on and on, but Jacob is definately my hardest baby. Danyale says I deserve him because of how easy Korty, and Sadie were. I am a true believer they come with a personality and a mind of there own. And boy does he have a mind of his own.
But no matter how hard of a baby he has been I am so glad he is mine. He has a Smile that can light up any room. He won a baby contest For the best Giggle, Fastest Walker and the Baldest. He loves cows and thinks that all animals say MOO! He loves giving mmmmas which are kisses (mainly to Sadie). And he wants to do everything Korty does. He loves his momma the most but calls her DA. This has been a long year that has went by way to fast. He may be my birth control- But looking back I wouldn't trade it for the world. Happy Birthday Son!!
Monday, September 1, 2008
A Sunday at The Farm
Mutton Bustin'
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Cookie Cutters Certificate
This is Sadie's first hair cut. She was so excited. Isn't she CUTE!!
I was picking up ALL the curls off the ground and saving them in a
little plastic bag. The sylist were laughing @ me. Sadie thought it
was awesome!! She was the queen for the day
Friday, June 27, 2008
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Our New Toy Box!!
This is crazy Jacob is not holding still. He is only 9months old and is walking behind he walker pushing the laundry basketevery where. I thank Grandpa Brent for this. He started it all the first of May, letting him hold onto his fingers and going every where and any where he wanted to now this is ALL he wants to do
Donny the calf
The last momma to calf this year ended up having twins. We were all excited, but mainly Brad. See him and his dad had been guessing she was having twins for a while so when she did he was all excited they were right. But on the other hand they didn't know how the mom was going to react. I named the calves " Donnie and Marie". The mom rejected Donnie, so Aunt Breanna took him home and tried to bottle feed him. No luck, Donnie died. With out its mommas colostrum he didn't have a chance. The good thing is the calf let the kids pet and play with him. It has helped the kids not be so afraid of the cows!
Monday, June 2, 2008
We are going to be late!!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Summer is here
Yesterday was Korty's last day of pre-school,this year. I think I am more excited than he is. I had Korty take flowers to his teachers and her helpers. He looked so big going up and giving them each a rose. Now that school is out I get to start focusing on t-ball, swimming lessons, camping, my garden, dance class for Sadie and of course spending Alot of time At the farm. Danyale and I has purchased a Hogle Zoo pass so we will be spending alot of time there too. On your mark get set go....
Monday, May 19, 2008
Bunderson's online
The Bunderson family is as follows:
Brad Lee: Age 32, Farmer and Salesmen.
Kori Ann: Age 30, Mother and Medical Assistant/EMT-I
Korty Brad: Age 4, Loves helping dad and T-Ball
Sadie Ann: Age 2, Loves helping mom and ruling the house
Jacob Max: Age 8 months, Loves being held and hates his carseat
Moms are never in the pictures. Why can't dads think to take the pictures.
More to come.